Publication | ADPC | Youth volunteers leading disaster response in Myanmar |
Publication | ADPC | Practitioners Perspective on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Building in Asia |
Publication | ADPC | Resilient investment decisions in Lao PDR |
Publication | ADPC | Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Manual in Lao PDR (English) |
Publication | ADPC | Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Manual in Lao PDR (Lao) |
Publication | ADPC | Disaster Risk Reduction – Information Kit for Media |
Publication | ADPC | Improving flood forecasting in Myanmar |
Publication | ADPC | Strengthening weather and climate services for improved preparedness for hydro-meteorological hazards |
Publication | ADPC | Safer Coastal Zone Development Guidelines for Vietnam |
Publication | ADPC | Bringing Collaborative Governance in Community Early Warning System for Flood Risk Reduction |
Publication | ADPC | Building Flood Preparedness in Community: Implementing Early Warning Systems in Ayutthaya |
Publication | ADPC | Guidance on: Critical Facilities, Housing, Livelihood, Land Use Planning |
Publication | ADPC | Handbook for Disaster Recovery Practitioners |
Publication | ADPC | Training Manual: Learning Workshop on Recovery and Reconstruction |
Publication | ADPC | ADPC has developed “Climate Smart Disaster Risk Reduction Interventions in Agriculture Sector – Flood Hazard – A Practitioner’s Guidebook” to be used by local government employees engaged in mainstreaming climate smart disaster risk reduction into development planning at local government level in the Asian Region. |
Publication | ADPC | ADPC publishes its report on “Climate Smart Disaster Risk Reduction Interventions in Agriculture Sector – Flood Hazard”. The report explores lessons learned, future priorities for climate-adaptive agricultural practices and local initiatives in Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand (each with distinct geographical settings in Asia). |
Publication | ADPC | The Agro-Ecosystem Resilience in a Changing Climate course workbook is meant to be used by those who wish to enhance their skills on mainstreaming weather and climate information application for agro-ecosystem resilience in a changing climate. |
Training | ADPC | Community-based disaster risk reduction |
Training | ADPC | Disaster management |
Training | ADPC | Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction in local governance |
Training | ADPC | Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development planning |
Training | ADPC | Monitoring and evaluation for disaster risk reduction |
Training | ADPC | Gender in disaster risk Reduction |
Training | ADPC | Climate risk management in changing environment |
Training | ADPC | Earthquake vulnerability risk reduction |
Training | ADPC | Flood disaster risk management |
Training | ADPC | Seismic hazard risk assessment |
Training | ADPC | Community action for disaster response |
Training | ADPC | Disaster risk communication |
Training | ADPC | Emergency exercise management |
Training | ADPC | Emergency response management |
Training | ADPC | End-to-end multi-hazard early warning systems |
Training | ADPC | Damage assessment and need analysis |
Training | ADPC | GIS for disaster risk management |
Training | ADPC | Incident command system/Incident management system |
Training | ADPC | Health-related issues: Hospital emergencies preparedness and response |
Training | ADPC | Hospital preparedness for emergencies |
Training | ADPC | Medical first responders |
Training | ADPC | Mental health and psychosocial support |
Training | ADPC | Nutrition in emergencies |
Training | ADPC | Public health in complex emergencies |
Training | ADPC | Public health and emergency management in Asia and the Pacific |
Training | ADPC | Minimum Initial Service Package For Sexual And Reproductive Health |
Publication | Alterra | Measurement and interpolation uncertainties in rainfall maps from cellular communication networks |
Publication | Alterra | Hydrometeorological multi-model ensemble simulations of the 4 November 2011 flash flood event in Genoa, Italy, in the framework of the DRIHM Project |
Publication | Alterra | Precipitation, soil mosture and runoff variabilty in a small river catchment (Ardèche, France) during HyMeX Special Observation Period 1 |
Publication | Alterra | Understanding lowland (flash) floods: analysis of the 2010 flash flood in the Hupsel Brook catchment and comparison with other recent lowland floods |
Publication | Alterra | Simulating a lowland flash flood in a long-term experimental watershed with 7 standard hydrological models |
Publication | Alterra | Delta Alliance Toolbox |
Publication | Alterra | Water and Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins: Lessons Learned and Good Practices |
Service | Alterra | A climate change adaptation strategy for the Lower Mekong Basin |
Service | Alterra | CATALYST – Capacity Development for Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation |
Service | Alterra | Vulnerability assessment of the Carpathian region |
Service | Alterra | The Himalayan Adaptation, Water and Resilience (HI-AWARE) |
Service | Alterra | Highnoon: adaptation to changing water resources availability in northern India |
Tool | Alterra | AlterrAqua |
Tool | Alterra | QUICKscan |
Tool | Alterra | SWAP |
Tool | Alterra | Waterwise |
Tool | Alterra | RichWaterWorld |
Tool | Alterra | Climate Atlas |
Training | Alterra | Annual workshops on different topics under climate adaptation in water management (in cooperation with UNECE) |
Training | Alterra | Tailor-made training on subjects around flood risk management |
Publication | Caritas Switzerland | Policy briefs on community mobilization for flood management by Eco-DRR |
Services | Caritas Switzerland | Advice on community mobilization in the areas of NRM, DRR, agriculture and adaptation to climate change |
Services | Caritas Switzerland | Advice on linking rural communities with national policies and institutions |
Services | Caritas Switzerland | Advice on ‘weather, water and climate services’ for the rural poor |
Service | CEH | Flood Risk Modelling: Advanced flood modelling solutions at local, catchment, national scales |
Service | CEH | Hydrometeorology: Capacity development in hydrometeorological monitoring service delivery and research |
Tool | CEH | HYRAD – Hydrological Radar System for storm and flood monitoring |
Tool | CEH | River Flow Forecasting System (RFFS) |
Training | CEH | Catchment Hydrology Training Course |
Publication | CIMA | Assimilation of H-SAF Soil Moisture Products for Flash Flood Early Warning Systems. Case Study: Mediterranean Catchments |
Publication | CIMA | High-Resolution Simulations of the 2010 Pakistan Flood Event: Sensitivity to Parameterizations and Initialization Time |
Publication | CIMA | Using OpenMI and a Model MAP to Integrate WaterML2 and NetCDF Data Sources into Flood Modeling of Genoa, Italy |
Publication | CIMA | What if the 25 October 2011 event that struck Cinque Terre (Liguria) had happened in Genoa, Italy? Flooding scenarios, hazard mapping and damage estimation, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. |
Publication | CIMA | Use of SAR Data for Detecting Floodwater in Urban and Agricultural Areas: The Role of the Interferometric Coherence |
Publication | CIMA | A simple model to map areas prone to surface water flooding |
Publication | CIMA | Experiences of dealing with flash floods using an ensemble hydrological nowcasting chain: Implications of communication, accessibility, and distribution of the results |
Publication | CIMA | Multisite flooding hazard assessment in the Upper Mississippi River |
Publication | CIMA | Information Extraction From Remote Sensing Images for Flood Monitoring and Damage Evaluation Proceedings of the IEEE |
Publication | CIMA | Quantitative flood forecasting on small and medium size basins: a probabilistic approach for operational purposes |
Publication | CIMA | A Reflection About the Social and Technological Aspects in Flood Risk Management. The Case of the Italian Civil Protection |
Publication | CIMA | Extreme rainfall events: learning from rain gauge time series |
Publication | CIMA | Flood probability analysis for un-gauged watersheds by means of a simple distributed hydrologic model, Advances in Water Resources |
Publication | CIMA | Propagation of Uncertainty From Rainfall to Runoff: A Case Study with a Stochastic Rainfall Generator |
Publication | CIMA | A Hydro-Meteorological Approach for Probabilistic Flood Forecast |
Publication | CIMA | Historical collection of disaster loss data in Albania |
Publication | CIMA | DRIHMS – The White Paper |
Publication | CIMA | Guidance for recording and sharing disaster damage and loss data Towards the development of operational indicators to translate the Sendai Framework into action |
Tool | CIMA | Flood-PROOFS (Flood-PRObabilistic Operational Forecasting System) |
Tool | CIMA | DRIHM (Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology) |
Tool | CIMA | RASOR |
Training | CIMA | Advanced Training on Disaster Risk Reduction |
Training | CIMA | M.Sc. in Engineering for Natural and Technological Risk Monitoring |
Tools | DELTARES | Delft-FEWS: an open data handling platform for a flood forecasting and warning system. Essentially a sophisticated collection of modules for building a customised hydrological forecasting system. |
Tools | DELTARES | Delft3D Flexible Mesh Suite (Delft3D FM) to simulate storm surges, hurricanes, tsunamis, detailed flows and water levels, waves, sediment transport and morphology, including interactions between processes. |
Tools | DELTARES | Wflow: completely distributed modelling platform which maximizes the use of open earth observation data, making it a powerful hydrological model for data scarce environments |
Tools | DELTARES | SFINCS: (Super-Fast INundation of CoastS): semi-advanced model which solves the physics of compound flood events in a computationally efficient manner. |
Tools | DELTARES | FIAT Flood Impact Assessment Tool, a flexible Open Source toolset for building and running flood impact models |
Tools | DELTARES | SOBEK: powerful modelling suite for flood forecasting, optimization of drainage systems, control of irrigation systems, river morphology, salt intrusion,.. |
Tools | DELTARES | GLOSSIS: Global Storm Surge Forecasting and Information System provides real-time water level and storm-surge forecasts with global coverage |
Tools | DELTARES | Aqua Monitor: instrument operating on a global scale, to show where water has been transformed into land and vice-versa, with a resolution of up to 30 meters |
Tools | DELTARES | Aqueduct Global Flood Analyzer is a web-based interactive tool which assesses river flood impacts by urban damage, affected GDP, and affected population across the globe. |
Tools | DELTARES | AST: Adaptation Support Tool, an interactive online tool to support urban planning and adaptation. |
Tools | DELTARES | Climate App: a free tool for simple and rapid access to climate adaptation measures. |
Tools | DELTARES | Probabilistic Toolkit analyzes the effects of uncertainty to any model including geotechnical and hydrodynamical Deltares applications |
Tools | DELTARES | CIrcle: touch table application (CIrcle tool) to helps stakeholders understand the complex and interdependent relations between critical infrastructure systems. |
Training | DELTARES | DSD: Annual meeting of (software) community to exchange experience with hydrological and hydraulic software including training courses. In 2020 a digital edition. In previous years also regional editions in Asia, United States, Australia, etc. |
Training | DELTARES | Sustainable Delta is a serious game that informs and enables communities, stakeholders, and the general public to better understand water systems and related restoration and protection measures. |
Publication | DHI | THE ACADEMY by DHI: Topics covered include climate change, marine water, surface and ground water and urban water |
Serious Game | DHI | Aqua Republica |
Service | DHI | DHI offers a wide range of consultancy services with global support and local knowledge |
Tool | DHI | MIKE Powered by DHI |
Training | DHI | THE ACADEMY by DHI: Topics covered range from topical/thematic (e.g. flood management, integrated water resources management and water quality modelling) to skills-oriented (e.g. MIKE Powered by DHI software) |
Service | FICH | Capacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en general sobre Recursos Hídricos |
Service | FICH | Capacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Elaboración de Balances Hídricos |
Service | FICH | Capacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Estimación de crecidas y determinación de parámetros de diseño |
Service | FICH | Capacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Diseño de sistemas de drenaje urbano, planes de gestión de inundaciones urbanas |
Service | FICH | Capacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Planes de Gestión Integrada de Crecidas y de Recursos Hídricos de Cuencas |
Service | FICH | Capacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Diseño de sistemas de alerta y pronóstico hidrológico |
Service | FICH | Capacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Modelación hidrológica e hidrodinámica (1D, 2D,3D) |
Service | FICH | Capacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Planes de gestión integrada de recursos hídricos |
Service | FICH | Capacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Estudios de evolución geomorfológica |
Service | FICH | Capacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Diseño de medidas estructurales para la protección contra inundación mediante modelación física y matemática |
Service | FICH | Capacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Evaluación de impactos hidrológicos y ambientales de la variabilidad y cambio climático. Medidas de mitigación y adaptación |
Service | FICH | Capacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Inventario de humedales. Planes de manejo |
Service | FICH | Capacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Monitoreo de calidad de agua durante eventos extremos |
Tool | FICH | Software de análisis de frecuencia (AFMULTI ) |
Tool | FICH | Software para simulación hidrológica e hidrodinámica |
Tool | FICH | Software para simulación de transporte de contaminante en ríos |
Tool | FICH | Aplicación a la Cuenca del Plata del modelo Weather research and forecasting model (WRF) |
Tool | FICH | Modelo de nowcasting con imágenes de radar (prototipo) |
Tool | FICH | Modelo de balance de transporte de sedimento en ríos |
Tool | FICH | Software para relevamientos hidrográficos con ploteo a tiempo real sobre carta digital (IFANAV) |
Training | FICH | Participación ciudadana para el diseño de planes de emergencia |
Training | FICH | Gestión de riesgos de desastres y promoción del desarrollo sostenible en los gobiernos locales |
Training | FICH | Intercambio de experiencias entre organismo responsables de la gestión de crecidas |
Training | FICH | Generación de ciudades resilientes |
Training | FICH | Vulnerabilidad social por sectores |
Training | FICH | La comunicación del riesgo |
Training | FICH | Concientización sobre emergencias hídricas |
Training | FICH | Agua, educación y sociedad |
Training | FICH | Convivir con el riesgo |
Training | FICH | Una perspectiva integral sobre la inundaciones |
Training | FICH | Técnicas de homogenización de datos climáticos y uso de índices para el monitoreo de sequías |
Training | FICH | Información pública sobre planes de gestión integrada de inundaciones |
Training | FICH | Gestión Integrada de Crecidas |
Training | FICH | Gestión de inundaciones urbanas |
Training | FICH | Análisis de frecuencia para diseño hidrológico |
Training | FICH | Modelación lluvia escorrentía para diseño hidrológico |
Training | FICH | Balance hidrológico de cuencas (presencial/distancia) |
Training | FICH | Drenaje urbano |
Training | FICH | Uso de información de radar para previsión hidrológica de corto plazo |
Training | FICH | Medidas estructurales de defensa contra inundaciones |
Training | FICH | Nuevas tecnologías en mediciones hidrológicas |
Training | FICH | Mapeos de actores y mecanismos de participación |
Training | FICH | Gestión integrada de cuencas |
Training | FICH | SIG aplicados a los recursos hídricos |
Training | FICH | Entrenamiento en el uso de los modelos HEC-HMS y HEC-RAS |
Formal Education | ICHARM | Master’s Course: Water-Related Risk Management Course of Disaster Management Policy Program |
Formal Education | ICHARM | PhD Program of Disaster Management |
Publication | ICHARM | ICHARM research reports, books, peer-reviewed and conference papers, articles |
Publication | ICHARM | ICHARM Newsletter, research reports, books, peer-reviewed and conference papers, articles |
Service | ICHARM | International Flood Initiative (IFI) Secretariat |
Services | ICHARM | International Flood Initiative (IFI) Secretariat |
Services | ICHARM | ASIA-OCEANIA Group on Earth Observation (AOGEO) Task Group 1 Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI) Secretariat |
Services | ICHARM | Asia-Pacific Water Forum KnowledgeHubs: Disaster Risk Reduction and Flood Management |
Services | ICHARM | ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee Working Group on Hydrology |
Tool | ICHARM | Asia-Pacific Water Forum KnowledgeHubs: Disaster Risk Reduction and Flood Management |
Tool | ICHARM | Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS) – Flood Forecasting System Using Global data |
Tool | ICHARM | Rainfal-Runoff-Inundation (RRI) Model Program – Runoff Inundation Simulation for Hazard Risk Mapping and Analysis |
Tool | ICHARM | Flood Disaster Preparedness Indices (FDPI) |
Tools | ICHARM | Online Synthesis System (OSS) Development |
Tools | ICHARM | Climate Change Impact Assessment |
Tools | ICHARM | Real-time Flood and Drought Monitoring and Forecasting System Development |
Tools | ICHARM | Local Risk Assessment, Contingency Planning, and Response under COVID-19 |
Training | ICHARM | Capacity Development for Integrated Flood Risk Management in Pakistan |
Training | ICHARM | Sustainable Water Management in an Era of Big Data |
Training | ICHARM | Capacity Development for Flood Risk Management |
Training | ICHARM | Master’s Course: Water-Related Risk Management Course of Disaster Management Policy Program |
Training | ICHARM | Disaster Management PhD Program |
Training | ICHARM | Capacity Development for Water-related Disaster Risk Management
Training | ICHARM | e-Learning for Water-related Disaster Risk Management and Resilience |
Publication | IHE Delft | IWRM as a Tool for Adaptation to Climate Change: Training Manual and Facilitators Guide |
Tool | IHE Delft | UNESCO-IHE Open Courseware |
Training | IHE Delft | Flood risk assessment and management |
Training | IHE Delft | The use of global datasets in flood risk management |
Training | IHE Delft | Flood risk mapping |
Training | IHE Delft | Hydrological modelling for flood risk management |
Training | IHE Delft | Planning and Delivery of Flood Resilience |
Training | IHE Delft | River Flood Analysis and Modelling |
Training | IHE Delft | Urban Flood Management and Disaster Risk Mitigation |
Training | IHE Delft | Flood Risk Management |
Training | IHE Delft | IWRM as a Tool for Adaptation to Climate Change |
Training | IHE Delft | Online Course on Flood Modelling for Management |
Training | IHE Delft | Online Course on Decision Support Systems in River Basin Management |
Tool | IHP-HWRP and BFG | Floodlabel |
Service | K&I | Consultancy: Community Participation/Citizens’ Empowerment |
Service | K&I | Consultancy: Valorising Local Knowledge/Crowdsourcing |
Service | K&I | Consultancy: Vulnerability Analysis/Measurement (Societal Issues) |
Service | K&I | Consultancy: Social Risk Analysis (related to floods) |
Tool | K&I | Societal issues related to vulnerability (from the analysis and measurement to citizens’ engagement) (forthcoming) |
Tool | K&I | Citizens’ empowerment in disaster management (flood first) based in concrete experiences in Europe and worldwide (forthcoming) |
Training | K&I | Workshop on societal issues related to vulnerability (from the analysis and measurement to citizens’ engagement) |
Training | K&I | Workshop on citizens’ empowerment in disaster management (flood first) based in concrete experiences in Europe and worldwide |
Service | Middlesex University | FHRC provides a range of services related to the social, economic and governance aspects of flood risk assessment and management. |
Tools | Middlesex University | Multi-Coloured Manual:method and data for Economic Appraisal |
Tools | Middlesex University | CRAF: Coastal Risk Assessment Framework |
Training | Middlesex University | An Introduction to Flood Benefits Appraisal |
Publication | PROHIMET | Bases SPH 2015.- Bases conceptuales y organizativas para los- sistemas de predicción hidrológica (Conceptual and organizational bases for hydrological forecasting systems) |
Publication | PROHIMET | Bases SPH P 2016.- “BASES SPH P 2016. Bases de programación para los sistemas de predicción hidrológica (Programing basis for hydrological forecasting systems) |
Service | PROHIMET | Training, education and capacity building |
Service | PROHIMET | Consultancy/advisory |
Service | PROHIMET | Support development assistance |
Service | PROHIMET | Development, implementation and coordination of demostration project |
Training | PROHIMET | Curso Internacional de capacitación sobre Fundamentos para el monitoreo y pronóstico de fenómenos hidrometeorológicos (International training course on the basic principles of monitoring and forecasting hydrometeorological phenomena) |
Training | PROHIMET | Taller de eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos: crecidas y sequías (Workshop on extreme hydrometeorological events: floods and droughts) |
Training | PROHIMET | Taller Iberoamericano sobre Inundaciones y pronóstico de fenómenos hidrometeorológicos (Iberoamerican workshop on flooding and forecasting of hydrometeorological phenomena) |
Training | PROHIMET | Jornadas “Retos de la hidrometeorología ante las posibles variaciones de clima y los eventos extremos” (Hydrometeorological challenges presented by potential climate variations and extreme events) |
Training | PROHIMET | Jornadas “Alerta temprana ante fenómenos hidrometeorológicos” (Early Warning for hydrometeorlogical phenomena) |
Training | PROHIMET | Jornadas “La calidad de la información y el pronóstico hidrometeorológico” (Information Quality and Hydrometeorologial Forecasting) |
Training | PROHIMET | Jornadas “”El clima y los sistemas de medida y observación hidrometeorológicos” (Climate and hydrometeorological measurement and observation systems) |
Publication | RwB | Amur-Heilong River Basin Reader |
Publication | RwB | Environmental Risks to Sino-Russian Transboundary Cooperation: from Brown Plans to a Green Strategy |
Publication | RwB | Adaptation to climate change in the river basins of Dauria: ecology and water management. |
Publication | RwB | Progress report of global network of basins working on climate change adaptation |
Publication | RwB | We and Amur floods: lesson (un)learned (Summary) |
Publication | RwB | We and Amur floods: lesson (un)learned |
Service | RwB | Amur River Basin information depository |
Tool | RwB | |
Training | RwB | The 9th International Conference: The Rivers of Siberia and the Far East |
Publication | UNECE | Guidance on Water Supply and Sanitation in Extreme Weather Events |
Publication | UNECE | Policy Guidance Note on the Benefits of Transboundary Water Cooperation: Identification, Assessment and Communication |
Publication | UNECE | Water and Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins: Lessons Learned and Good Practices |
Publication | UNECE | Transboundary Flood Risk Management: Experiences from the UNECE Region |
Publication | UNECE | Guidance on Water and Adaptation to Climate Change |
Publication | UNECE | Reconciling resource uses in transboundary basins: assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus |
Publication | UNECE | Second Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters |
Publication | UNECE | Words into Action Guidelines Implementation Guide for Addressing Water-Related Disasters and Transboundary Cooperation |
Publication | UNECE | Water and Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins: Lessons Learned and Good Practices |
Publication | UNECE | Transboundary Flood Risk Management: Experiences from the UNECE region |
Publication | UNECE | Guidance on Water and Adaptation to Climate Change |
Publication | UNECE | Strategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Dniester River Basin |
Publication | UNECE | Implementation Plan for the Strategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Dniester River Basin |
Publication | UNECE | The Strategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Neman River Basin |
Tool | UNECE | Web-based platform for sharing of experience between pilot basins and basins in the “Global network of basins working on climate change” |
Training | UNECE | Water and adaptation to climate change |
Publication | UNU-FLORES | Environmental resource management and the Nexus Approach: managing water, soil, and waste in the context of global change |
Publication | UNU-FLORES | Governing the nexus: water, soil and waste resources under conditions of global change |
Publication | UNU-FLORES | Safe use of wastewater in agriculture: good practice examples |
Tool | UNU-FLORES | Nexus Tools Platform |
Tool | UNU-FLORES | QGIS plugin for ESA Sentinel data on evapotranspiration |
Training | UNU-FLORES | Nexus Seminar Series |
Training | UNU-FLORES | PhD Seminar Series |
Training | UNU-FLORES | Green Economy and the Life-Cycle Cost Approach (Online course) |
Training | UNU-FLORES | Rethinking Infrastructure Design for Multi-Use Water Services (Online course) |
Training | UNU-FLORES | Financing Public Services and Environmental Sustainability (Online course) |
Training | UNU-FLORES | Safe use of Wastewater in Agriculture |
Training | UNU-FLORES | Making use of data through the Nexus Observatory |
Training | UNU-FLORES | Use of remote sensing and modeling techniques for water use |
Publication | WWF | Flood risk management: A Strategic Approach |
Publication | WWF | Living with Floods: Achieving Ecologically Sustainable Flood Management in Europe |
Publication | WWF | Natural Security: Protected Places and Hazard Mitigation |
Publication | WWF | Restoring the Kafue Flats: A Partnership Approach to Environmental Flows in Zambia |
Publication | WWF | River Basin Planning: Principles, Procedures and Approaches for Strategic Basin Planning |
Publication | WWF | Slowing the Flow: A Natural Solution to Flooding Problems |
Publication | WWF | Flood Planner: A Manual for the Natural Management of River Floods |
Publication | WWF | Dealing with the Deluge: Urban Water Management in a Changing Climate |
Service | WWF | Green Recovery Connect – 24/7 helpdesk for issues related to the environment and disaster management |
Service | WWF | Student forum – discussion forum for graduate students and researchers to discuss flood management and environment and disaster management issues |
Tool | WWF | Natural and Nature-Based Flood Management: A Green Guide (Flood Green Guide) |
Tool | WWF | HydroSHEDS |
Training | WWF | Training on Green Recovery & Reconstruction: Training Toolkit for Humanitarian Aid (GRRT) |
Training | WWF | Training on natural and nature-based flood management |
Publication | Zoï | Report: promoting information concerning flood risks in the Dniester river basin |
Publication | Zoï | Strategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Dniester River Basin |
Publication | Zoï | Mapping Drones in Humanitarian Contexts |
Publication | Zoï | Mapping floods in the Dniester basin |
Publication | Zoï | Mapping floods in the Yaselda river basin |
Publication | Zoï | Dniester flood leaflets |
Publication | Zoï | Strengthening cooperation in adaptation to climate change in transboundary basins of the Chu and Talas rivers |
Publication | Zoï | Mapping Water |
Publication | Zoï | Dniester without borders |
Publication | Zoï | Report: Reducing vulnerability to extreme floods and climate change in the Dniester river basin |
Publication | Zoï | Maps of flood risks in the Styr-Prostyr river basin |
Service | Zoï | Analysis and communication of complex environmental issues (world-wide with some focus on Eastern Europe and Central Asia) |
Service | Zoï | Production of highly visual communication materials for organizations engaged in the environment |
Training | Zoï | Tailored workshops on assessment, information management and communication delivered in-country (focus on Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Middle East) |
Training | Zoï | Tailored media tours to selected hot spot sites with focus on ‘information for decision-making’ from the data to the information users |