The IFM HelpDesk provides guidance and technical assistance to countries on flood management policy, the required legal framework and regulative instruments, and flood management strategy development. This pertains primarily to the river basin, national, and provincial/state levels. The following areas of guidance are available:
- Advice on Process Design, i.e. on the sequence, timing and stakeholder consultation requirements, and Process Coaching in form of accompanying the actual process during implementation;
- Technical backstopping in the process of developing flood management policies or strategies;
- Organization of or advice for national flood management stakeholder workshops;
- Flood Management Strategic Assessment;
- Definition of high-level strategic objectives.
APFM has provided assistance in the past to the development of National Strategies on Flood Management (Kenya, Zambia, Thailand, Mexico) and is currently supporting ECOWAS and the World Bank in the forumaltion of a regional flood management strategy for the West Africa region.
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