SBP Catalogue of Services

The Catalogue of Services is a comprehensive list of tools and services contributed by our Support Base Partners (SBPs) to the IFM HelpDesk. You can narrow down the results by selecting an icon above, using the dropdown boxes as filters below, and by typing keywords in the search field.

PublicationADPCYouth volunteers leading disaster response in Myanmar
PublicationADPCPractitioners Perspective on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Building in Asia
PublicationADPCResilient investment decisions in Lao PDR
PublicationADPCCommunity-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Manual in Lao PDR (English)
PublicationADPCCommunity-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Manual in Lao PDR (Lao)
PublicationADPCDisaster Risk Reduction – Information Kit for Media
PublicationADPCImproving flood forecasting in Myanmar
PublicationADPCStrengthening weather and climate services for improved preparedness for hydro-meteorological hazards
PublicationADPCSafer Coastal Zone Development Guidelines for Vietnam
PublicationADPCBringing Collaborative Governance in Community Early Warning System for Flood Risk Reduction
PublicationADPCBuilding Flood Preparedness in Community: Implementing Early Warning Systems in Ayutthaya
PublicationADPCGuidance on: Critical Facilities, Housing, Livelihood, Land Use Planning
PublicationADPCHandbook for Disaster Recovery Practitioners
PublicationADPCTraining Manual: Learning Workshop on Recovery and Reconstruction
PublicationADPCADPC has developed “Climate Smart Disaster Risk Reduction Interventions in Agriculture Sector – Flood Hazard – A Practitioner’s Guidebook” to be used by local government employees engaged in mainstreaming climate smart disaster risk reduction into development planning at local government level in the Asian Region.
PublicationADPCADPC publishes its report on “Climate Smart Disaster Risk Reduction Interventions in Agriculture Sector – Flood Hazard”. The report explores lessons learned, future priorities for climate-adaptive agricultural practices and local initiatives in Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand (each with distinct geographical settings in Asia).
PublicationADPCThe Agro-Ecosystem Resilience in a Changing Climate course workbook is meant to be used by those who wish to enhance their skills on mainstreaming weather and climate information application for agro-ecosystem resilience in a changing climate.
TrainingADPCCommunity-based disaster risk reduction
TrainingADPCDisaster management
TrainingADPCMainstreaming disaster risk reduction in local governance
TrainingADPCMainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development planning
TrainingADPCMonitoring and evaluation for disaster risk reduction
TrainingADPCGender in disaster risk Reduction
TrainingADPCClimate risk management in changing environment
TrainingADPCEarthquake vulnerability risk reduction
TrainingADPCFlood disaster risk management
TrainingADPCSeismic hazard risk assessment
TrainingADPCCommunity action for disaster response
TrainingADPCDisaster risk communication
TrainingADPCEmergency exercise management
TrainingADPCEmergency response management
TrainingADPCEnd-to-end multi-hazard early warning systems
TrainingADPCDamage assessment and need analysis
TrainingADPCGIS for disaster risk management
TrainingADPCIncident command system/Incident management system
TrainingADPCHealth-related issues: Hospital emergencies preparedness and response
TrainingADPCHospital preparedness for emergencies
TrainingADPCMedical first responders
TrainingADPCMental health and psychosocial support
TrainingADPCNutrition in emergencies
TrainingADPCPublic health in complex emergencies
TrainingADPCPublic health and emergency management in Asia and the Pacific
TrainingADPCMinimum Initial Service Package For Sexual And Reproductive Health
PublicationAlterraMeasurement and interpolation uncertainties in rainfall maps from cellular communication networks
PublicationAlterraHydrometeorological multi-model ensemble simulations of the 4 November 2011 flash flood event in Genoa, Italy, in the framework of the DRIHM Project
PublicationAlterraPrecipitation, soil mosture and runoff variabilty in a small river catchment (Ardèche, France) during HyMeX Special Observation Period 1
PublicationAlterraUnderstanding lowland (flash) floods: analysis of the 2010 flash flood in the Hupsel Brook catchment and comparison with other recent lowland floods
PublicationAlterraSimulating a lowland flash flood in a long-term experimental watershed with 7 standard hydrological models
PublicationAlterraDelta Alliance Toolbox
PublicationAlterraWater and Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins: Lessons Learned and Good Practices
ServiceAlterraA climate change adaptation strategy for the Lower Mekong Basin
ServiceAlterraCATALYST – Capacity Development for Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation
ServiceAlterraVulnerability assessment of the Carpathian region
ServiceAlterraThe Himalayan Adaptation, Water and Resilience (HI-AWARE)
ServiceAlterraHighnoon: adaptation to changing water resources availability in northern India
ToolAlterraClimate Atlas
TrainingAlterraAnnual workshops on different topics under climate adaptation in water management (in cooperation with UNECE)
TrainingAlterraTailor-made training on subjects around flood risk management
PublicationCaritas SwitzerlandPolicy briefs on community mobilization for flood management by Eco-DRR
ServicesCaritas SwitzerlandAdvice on community mobilization in the areas of NRM, DRR, agriculture and adaptation to climate change
ServicesCaritas SwitzerlandAdvice on linking rural communities with national policies and institutions
ServicesCaritas SwitzerlandAdvice on ‘weather, water and climate services’ for the rural poor
ServiceCEHFlood Risk Modelling: Advanced flood modelling solutions at local, catchment, national scales
ServiceCEHHydrometeorology: Capacity development in hydrometeorological monitoring service delivery and research
ToolCEHHYRAD – Hydrological Radar System for storm and flood monitoring
ToolCEHRiver Flow Forecasting System (RFFS)
TrainingCEHCatchment Hydrology Training Course
PublicationCIMAAssimilation of H-SAF Soil Moisture Products for Flash Flood Early Warning Systems. Case Study: Mediterranean Catchments
PublicationCIMAHigh-Resolution Simulations of the 2010 Pakistan Flood Event: Sensitivity to Parameterizations and Initialization Time
PublicationCIMAUsing OpenMI and a Model MAP to Integrate WaterML2 and NetCDF Data Sources into Flood Modeling of Genoa, Italy
PublicationCIMAWhat if the 25 October 2011 event that struck Cinque Terre (Liguria) had happened in Genoa, Italy? Flooding scenarios, hazard mapping and damage estimation, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst.
PublicationCIMAUse of SAR Data for Detecting Floodwater in Urban and Agricultural Areas: The Role of the Interferometric Coherence
PublicationCIMAA simple model to map areas prone to surface water flooding
PublicationCIMAExperiences of dealing with flash floods using an ensemble hydrological nowcasting chain: Implications of communication, accessibility, and distribution of the results
PublicationCIMAMultisite flooding hazard assessment in the Upper Mississippi River
PublicationCIMAInformation Extraction From Remote Sensing Images for Flood Monitoring and Damage Evaluation – Proceedings of the IEEE
PublicationCIMAQuantitative flood forecasting on small and medium size basins: a probabilistic approach for operational purposes
PublicationCIMAA Reflection About the Social and Technological Aspects in Flood Risk Management. The Case of the Italian Civil Protection
PublicationCIMAExtreme rainfall events: learning from rain gauge time series
PublicationCIMAFlood probability analysis for un-gauged watersheds by means of a simple distributed hydrologic model, Advances in Water Resources
PublicationCIMAPropagation of Uncertainty From Rainfall to Runoff: A Case Study with a Stochastic Rainfall Generator
PublicationCIMAA Hydro-Meteorological Approach for Probabilistic Flood Forecast
PublicationCIMAHistorical collection of disaster loss data in Albania
PublicationCIMADRIHMS – The White Paper
PublicationCIMAGuidance for recording and sharing disaster damage and loss data – Towards the development of operational indicators to translate the Sendai Framework into action
ToolCIMAFlood-PROOFS (Flood-PRObabilistic Operational Forecasting System)
ToolCIMADRIHM (Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology)
TrainingCIMAAdvanced Training on Disaster Risk Reduction
TrainingCIMAM.Sc. in Engineering for Natural and Technological Risk Monitoring
ToolsDELTARESDelft-FEWS: an open data handling platform for a flood forecasting and warning system. Essentially a sophisticated collection of modules for building a customised hydrological forecasting system.
ToolsDELTARESDelft3D Flexible Mesh Suite (Delft3D FM) to simulate storm surges, hurricanes, tsunamis, detailed flows and water levels, waves, sediment transport and morphology, including interactions between processes.
ToolsDELTARESWflow: completely distributed modelling platform which maximizes the use of open earth observation data, making it a powerful hydrological model for data scarce environments
ToolsDELTARESSFINCS: (Super-Fast INundation of CoastS): semi-advanced model which solves the physics of compound flood events in a computationally efficient manner.
ToolsDELTARESFIAT Flood Impact Assessment Tool, a flexible Open Source toolset for building and running flood impact models
ToolsDELTARESSOBEK: powerful modelling suite for flood forecasting, optimization of drainage systems, control of irrigation systems, river morphology, salt intrusion,..
ToolsDELTARESGLOSSIS: Global Storm Surge Forecasting and Information System provides real-time water level and storm-surge forecasts with global coverage
ToolsDELTARESAqua Monitor: instrument operating on a global scale, to show where water has been transformed into land and vice-versa, with a resolution of up to 30 meters
ToolsDELTARESAqueduct Global Flood Analyzer is a web-based interactive tool which assesses river flood impacts by urban damage, affected GDP, and affected population across the globe.
ToolsDELTARESAST: Adaptation Support Tool, an interactive online tool to support urban planning and adaptation.
ToolsDELTARESClimate App: a free tool for simple and rapid access to climate adaptation measures.
ToolsDELTARESProbabilistic Toolkit analyzes the effects of uncertainty to any model including geotechnical and hydrodynamical Deltares applications
ToolsDELTARESCIrcle: touch table application (CIrcle tool) to helps stakeholders understand the complex and interdependent relations between critical infrastructure systems.
TrainingDELTARESDSD: Annual meeting of (software) community to exchange experience with hydrological and hydraulic software including training courses. In 2020 a digital edition. In previous years also regional editions in Asia, United States, Australia, etc.
TrainingDELTARESSustainable Delta is a serious game that informs and enables communities, stakeholders, and the general public to better understand water systems and related restoration and protection measures.
PublicationDHITHE ACADEMY by DHI: Topics covered include climate change, marine water, surface and ground water and urban water
Serious GameDHIAqua Republica
ServiceDHIDHI offers a wide range of consultancy services with global support and local knowledge
ToolDHIMIKE Powered by DHI
TrainingDHITHE ACADEMY by DHI: Topics covered range from topical/thematic (e.g. flood management, integrated water resources management and water quality modelling) to skills-oriented (e.g. MIKE Powered by DHI software)
ServiceFICHCapacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en general sobre Recursos Hídricos
ServiceFICHCapacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Elaboración de Balances Hídricos
ServiceFICHCapacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Estimación de crecidas y determinación de parámetros de diseño
ServiceFICHCapacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Diseño de sistemas de drenaje urbano, planes de gestión de inundaciones urbanas
ServiceFICHCapacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Planes de Gestión Integrada de Crecidas y de Recursos Hídricos de Cuencas
ServiceFICHCapacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Diseño de sistemas de alerta y pronóstico hidrológico
ServiceFICHCapacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Modelación hidrológica e hidrodinámica (1D, 2D,3D)
ServiceFICHCapacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Planes de gestión integrada de recursos hídricos
ServiceFICHCapacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Estudios de evolución geomorfológica
ServiceFICHCapacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Diseño de medidas estructurales para la protección contra inundación mediante modelación física y matemática
ServiceFICHCapacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Evaluación de impactos hidrológicos y ambientales de la variabilidad y cambio climático. Medidas de mitigación y adaptación
ServiceFICHCapacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Inventario de humedales. Planes de manejo
ServiceFICHCapacidad para asesorar y colaborar en la preparación de Planes de Trabajo y Propuestas técnicas en Monitoreo de calidad de agua durante eventos extremos
ToolFICHSoftware de análisis de frecuencia (AFMULTI )
ToolFICHSoftware para simulación hidrológica e hidrodinámica
ToolFICHSoftware para simulación de transporte de contaminante en ríos
ToolFICHAplicación a la Cuenca del Plata del modelo Weather research and forecasting model (WRF)
ToolFICHModelo de “nowcasting” con imágenes de radar (prototipo)
ToolFICHModelo de balance de transporte de sedimento en ríos
ToolFICHSoftware para relevamientos hidrográficos con “ploteo” a tiempo real sobre carta digital (IFANAV)
TrainingFICHParticipación ciudadana para el diseño de planes de emergencia
TrainingFICHGestión de riesgos de desastres y promoción del desarrollo sostenible en los gobiernos locales
TrainingFICHIntercambio de experiencias entre organismo responsables de la gestión de crecidas
TrainingFICHGeneración de ciudades resilientes
TrainingFICHVulnerabilidad social por sectores
TrainingFICHLa comunicación del riesgo
TrainingFICHConcientización sobre emergencias hídricas
TrainingFICHAgua, educación y sociedad
TrainingFICHConvivir con el riesgo
TrainingFICHUna perspectiva integral sobre la inundaciones
TrainingFICHTécnicas de homogenización de datos climáticos y uso de índices para el monitoreo de sequías
TrainingFICHInformación pública sobre planes de gestión integrada de inundaciones
TrainingFICHGestión Integrada de Crecidas
TrainingFICHGestión de inundaciones urbanas
TrainingFICHAnálisis de frecuencia para diseño hidrológico
TrainingFICHModelación lluvia escorrentía para diseño hidrológico
TrainingFICHBalance hidrológico de cuencas (presencial/distancia)
TrainingFICHDrenaje urbano
TrainingFICHUso de información de radar para previsión hidrológica de corto plazo
TrainingFICHMedidas estructurales de defensa contra inundaciones
TrainingFICHNuevas tecnologías en mediciones hidrológicas
TrainingFICHMapeos de actores y mecanismos de participación
TrainingFICHGestión integrada de cuencas
TrainingFICHSIG aplicados a los recursos hídricos
TrainingFICHEntrenamiento en el uso de los modelos HEC-HMS y HEC-RAS
Formal EducationICHARMMaster’s Course: Water-Related Risk Management Course of Disaster Management Policy Program
Formal EducationICHARMPhD Program of Disaster Management
PublicationICHARMICHARM research reports, books, peer-reviewed and conference papers, articles
PublicationICHARMICHARM Newsletter, research reports, books, peer-reviewed and conference papers, articles
ServiceICHARMInternational Flood Initiative (IFI) Secretariat
ServicesICHARMInternational Flood Initiative (IFI) Secretariat
ServicesICHARMASIA-OCEANIA Group on Earth Observation (AOGEO) Task Group 1 Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI) Secretariat
ServicesICHARMAsia-Pacific Water Forum KnowledgeHubs: Disaster Risk Reduction and Flood Management
ServicesICHARMESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee Working Group on Hydrology
ToolICHARMAsia-Pacific Water Forum KnowledgeHubs: Disaster Risk Reduction and Flood Management
ToolICHARMIntegrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS) – Flood Forecasting System Using Global data
ToolICHARMRainfal-Runoff-Inundation (RRI) Model Program – Runoff Inundation Simulation for Hazard Risk Mapping and Analysis
ToolICHARMFlood Disaster Preparedness Indices (FDPI)
ToolsICHARMOnline Synthesis System (OSS) Development
ToolsICHARMClimate Change Impact Assessment
ToolsICHARMReal-time Flood and Drought Monitoring and Forecasting System Development
ToolsICHARMLocal Risk Assessment, Contingency Planning, and Response under COVID-19
TrainingICHARMCapacity Development for Integrated Flood Risk Management in Pakistan
TrainingICHARMSustainable Water Management in an Era of Big Data
TrainingICHARMCapacity Development for Flood Risk Management
TrainingICHARMMaster’s Course: Water-Related Risk Management Course of Disaster Management Policy Program
TrainingICHARMDisaster Management PhD Program
TrainingICHARMCapacity Development for Water-related Disaster Risk Management
TrainingICHARMe-Learning for Water-related Disaster Risk Management and Resilience
PublicationIHE DelftIWRM as a Tool for Adaptation to Climate Change: Training Manual and Facilitator’s Guide
ToolIHE DelftUNESCO-IHE Open Courseware
TrainingIHE DelftFlood risk assessment and management
TrainingIHE DelftThe use of global datasets in flood risk management
TrainingIHE DelftFlood risk mapping
TrainingIHE DelftHydrological modelling for flood risk management
TrainingIHE DelftPlanning and Delivery of Flood Resilience
TrainingIHE DelftRiver Flood Analysis and Modelling
TrainingIHE DelftUrban Flood Management and Disaster Risk Mitigation
TrainingIHE DelftFlood Risk Management
TrainingIHE DelftIWRM as a Tool for Adaptation to Climate Change
TrainingIHE DelftOnline Course on Flood Modelling for Management
TrainingIHE DelftOnline Course on Decision Support Systems in River Basin Management
ToolIHP-HWRP and BFGFloodlabel
ServiceK&IConsultancy: Community Participation/Citizens’ Empowerment
ServiceK&IConsultancy: Valorising Local Knowledge/Crowdsourcing
ServiceK&IConsultancy: Vulnerability Analysis/Measurement (Societal Issues)
ServiceK&IConsultancy: Social Risk Analysis (related to floods)
ToolK&ISocietal issues related to vulnerability (from the analysis and measurement to citizens’ engagement) (forthcoming)
ToolK&ICitizens’ empowerment in disaster management (flood first) based in concrete experiences in Europe and worldwide (forthcoming)
TrainingK&IWorkshop on societal issues related to vulnerability (from the analysis and measurement to citizens’ engagement)
TrainingK&IWorkshop on citizens’ empowerment in disaster management (flood first) based in concrete experiences in Europe and worldwide
ServiceMiddlesex UniversityFHRC provides a range of services related to the social, economic and governance aspects of flood risk assessment and management.
ToolsMiddlesex UniversityMulti-Coloured Manual:method and data for Economic Appraisal
ToolsMiddlesex UniversityCRAF: Coastal Risk Assessment Framework
TrainingMiddlesex UniversityAn Introduction to Flood Benefits Appraisal
PublicationPROHIMETBases SPH 2015.- Bases conceptuales y organizativas para los- sistemas de predicción hidrológica (Conceptual and organizational bases for hydrological forecasting systems)
PublicationPROHIMETBases SPH P 2016.- “BASES SPH P 2016. Bases de programación para los sistemas de predicción hidrológica (Programing basis for hydrological forecasting systems)
ServicePROHIMETTraining, education and capacity building
ServicePROHIMETSupport development assistance
ServicePROHIMETDevelopment, implementation and coordination of demostration project
TrainingPROHIMETCurso Internacional de capacitación sobre Fundamentos para el monitoreo y pronóstico de fenómenos hidrometeorológicos (International training course on the basic principles of monitoring and forecasting hydrometeorological phenomena)
TrainingPROHIMETTaller de eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos: crecidas y sequías (Workshop on extreme hydrometeorological events: floods and droughts)
TrainingPROHIMETTaller Iberoamericano sobre Inundaciones y pronóstico de fenómenos hidrometeorológicos (Iberoamerican workshop on flooding and forecasting of hydrometeorological phenomena)
TrainingPROHIMETJornadas “Retos de la hidrometeorología ante las posibles variaciones de clima y los eventos extremos” (Hydrometeorological challenges presented by potential climate variations and extreme events)
TrainingPROHIMETJornadas “Alerta temprana ante fenómenos hidrometeorológicos” (Early Warning for hydrometeorlogical phenomena)
TrainingPROHIMETJornadas “La calidad de la información y el pronóstico hidrometeorológico” (Information Quality and Hydrometeorologial Forecasting)
TrainingPROHIMETJornadas “”El clima y los sistemas de medida y observación hidrometeorológicos” (Climate and hydrometeorological measurement and observation systems)
PublicationRwBAmur-Heilong River Basin Reader
PublicationRwB Environmental Risks to Sino-Russian Transboundary Cooperation: from “Brown” Plans to a “Green” Strategy
PublicationRwBAdaptation to climate change in the river basins of Dauria: ecology and water management.
PublicationRwBProgress report of global network of basins working on climate change adaptation
PublicationRwBWe and Amur floods: lesson (un)learned (Summary)
PublicationRwBWe and Amur floods: lesson (un)learned
ServiceRwBAmur River Basin information depository
TrainingRwBThe 9th International Conference: The Rivers of Siberia and the Far East
PublicationUNECEGuidance on Water Supply and Sanitation in Extreme Weather Events
PublicationUNECEPolicy Guidance Note on the Benefits of Transboundary Water Cooperation: Identification, Assessment and Communication
PublicationUNECEWater and Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins: Lessons Learned and Good Practices
PublicationUNECETransboundary Flood Risk Management: Experiences from the UNECE Region
PublicationUNECEGuidance on Water and Adaptation to Climate Change
PublicationUNECEReconciling resource uses in transboundary basins: assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus
PublicationUNECESecond Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters
PublicationUNECEWords into Action Guidelines Implementation Guide for Addressing Water-Related Disasters and Transboundary Cooperation
PublicationUNECEWater and Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins: Lessons Learned and Good Practices
PublicationUNECETransboundary Flood Risk Management: Experiences from the UNECE region
PublicationUNECEGuidance on Water and Adaptation to Climate Change
PublicationUNECEStrategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Dniester River Basin
PublicationUNECEImplementation Plan for the Strategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Dniester River Basin
PublicationUNECEThe Strategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Neman River Basin
ToolUNECEWeb-based platform for sharing of experience between pilot basins and basins in the “Global network of basins working on climate change”
TrainingUNECEWater and adaptation to climate change
PublicationUNU-FLORESEnvironmental resource management and the Nexus Approach: managing water, soil, and waste in the context of global change
PublicationUNU-FLORESGoverning the nexus: water, soil and waste resources under conditions of global change
PublicationUNU-FLORESSafe use of wastewater in agriculture: good practice examples
ToolUNU-FLORESNexus Tools Platform
ToolUNU-FLORESQGIS plugin for ESA Sentinel data on evapotranspiration
TrainingUNU-FLORESNexus Seminar Series
TrainingUNU-FLORESPhD Seminar Series
TrainingUNU-FLORESGreen Economy and the Life-Cycle Cost Approach (Online course)
TrainingUNU-FLORESRethinking Infrastructure Design for Multi-Use Water Services (Online course)
TrainingUNU-FLORESFinancing Public Services and Environmental Sustainability (Online course)
TrainingUNU-FLORESSafe use of Wastewater in Agriculture
TrainingUNU-FLORESMaking use of data through the Nexus Observatory
TrainingUNU-FLORESUse of remote sensing and modeling techniques for water use
PublicationWWFFlood risk management: A Strategic Approach
PublicationWWFLiving with Floods: Achieving Ecologically Sustainable Flood Management in Europe
PublicationWWFNatural Security: Protected Places and Hazard Mitigation
PublicationWWFRestoring the Kafue Flats: A Partnership Approach to Environmental Flows in Zambia
PublicationWWFRiver Basin Planning: Principles, Procedures and Approaches for Strategic Basin Planning
PublicationWWFSlowing the Flow: A Natural Solution to Flooding Problems
PublicationWWFFlood Planner: A Manual for the Natural Management of River Floods
PublicationWWFDealing with the Deluge: Urban Water Management in a Changing Climate
ServiceWWFGreen Recovery Connect – 24/7 helpdesk for issues related to the environment and disaster management
ServiceWWFStudent forum – discussion forum for graduate students and researchers to discuss flood management and environment and disaster management issues
ToolWWFNatural and Nature-Based Flood Management: A Green Guide (Flood Green Guide)
TrainingWWFTraining on Green Recovery & Reconstruction: Training Toolkit for Humanitarian Aid (GRRT)
TrainingWWFTraining on natural and nature-based flood management
PublicationZoïReport: promoting information concerning flood risks in the Dniester river basin
PublicationZoïStrategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Dniester River Basin
PublicationZoïMapping Drones in Humanitarian Contexts
PublicationZoïMapping floods in the Dniester basin
PublicationZoïMapping floods in the Yaselda river basin
PublicationZoïDniester flood leaflets
PublicationZoïStrengthening cooperation in adaptation to climate change in transboundary basins of the Chu and Talas rivers
PublicationZoïMapping Water
PublicationZoïDniester without borders
PublicationZoïReport: Reducing vulnerability to extreme floods and climate change in the Dniester river basin
PublicationZoïMaps of flood risks in the Styr-Prostyr river basin
ServiceZoïAnalysis and communication of complex environmental issues (world-wide with some focus on Eastern Europe and Central Asia)
ServiceZoïProduction of highly visual communication materials for organizations engaged in the environment
TrainingZoïTailored workshops on assessment, information management and communication delivered in-country (focus on Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Middle East)
TrainingZoïTailored media tours to selected hot spot sites with focus on ‘information for decision-making’ from the data to the information users