IFM Helpdesk requests assisted

The Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM) HelpDesk for Integrated Flood Management (IFM) is a facility that provides guidance on flood management policy, strategy, and institutional development for countries willing to adopt the IFM concept.

With the Technical Assistance of WMO and GWP and in close cooperation with its 30 plus Support Base Partners, HelpDesk users (government agencies, international organizations, practitioners, private companies, academia and researchers) have the possibility either to request custom-made technical support through the Get Help function or to find flood management solutions by themselves using the literature in the Help Yourself section of the below link.

Below infographic shows the amount of the request received and assisted from the start of the IFM HelpDesk.

For additional information or assistance, please contact

The IFM HelpDesk brochure is available here: Download it now
