United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) advances a nexus approach to the sustainable management of environmental resources through academic research, teaching and capacity development in the following areas: Systems and Flux Analysis Considering Global Change Assessment, Capacity Development and Governance, Water Resources Management, Soil and Land-use Management and Waste Management. UNU-FLORES will assist APFM in seeking collaboration for nexus research on flood management, developing topic-specific literature and guidance material on nexus relevant aspects, conducting on the ground scientific assessments, leading/hosting workshops on policy design and strategic frameworks, and developing online/blended learning tools.

Learn more about UNU-FLORES.

Cooperation with APFM

The areas of cooperation are:

  • Seeking collaboration for nexus research on flood management
  • Developing topic specific literature and guidance material on nexus relevant aspects
  • Helping with on the ground scientific assessments, i.e. sampling and analysis
  • Helping with leading/hosting workshops on policy design and strategic frameworks
  • Developing online/blended learning tools.