The Rivers without Boundaries (RwB) Coalition is a collaborative international network of organizations and experts dedicated to preserving the health of transboundary river basins in northeast Eurasia through joint advocacy and promoting best practices in river management. To fulfill this mission, RwB provides mutual assistance and shares information among local grassroots initiatives, national and international conservation organizations, and decision-making bodies. Members lend their experience and insights to coalition-wide efforts, for example by participating in campaigns and engaging international conservation mechanisms to prevent the construction and mitigate the impacts of harmful water infrastructure projects on transboundary rivers.
Learn more about RwB.
Cooperation with APFM
The areas of cooperation are:
- Strategic environmental assessments of flood management policies/plans in Northern Eurasia
- Support the dissemination of IFM concepts in Russian and Chinese
- Promoting preservation of natural floodplains and their flood-retention services and other ecosystem-based adaptation measures in temperate/boreal regions
- Promoting public participation in development and implementation of IFM-related policies and plans in Amur River and Baikal Lake transboundary basins
- Development of a decision support methodology for the assessment of the role of hydropower in flood risk reduction compared to other available options in temperate/boreal regions