Flood Loss Assessments: Case Studies
Flood Management Tool Series, Technical Document No. 27 ¦ 2017 A wide range of tools and mechanisms have been developed to reduce and manage the risks
Flood Management Tool Series, Technical Document No. 27 ¦ 2017 A wide range of tools and mechanisms have been developed to reduce and manage the risks
Flood Management Tool Series, Technical Document No. 26 ¦ 2017 Crowdsourcing is broadly defined as the process of obtaining information, ideas and services from a
Flood Management Tool Series, Technical Document No. 25 ¦ 2016 Tool No. 25 illustrates how to conduct a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) in order to
Flood Management Tool Series, Technical Document No. 24 ¦ 2016 This publication highlights the importance of carrying out advocacy strategies as instruments to bridge the
Flood Management Tool Series, Technical Document No. 23 ¦ 2015 This Tool outlines the key measures to be taken to minimize impacts on public health