The Institute of River & Coastal Engineering at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) carries out research and education in the areas of flood management, coastal hydraulics, and hydrodynamics. The institute also collaborates on EU-wide projects related with the aforementioned topics, such as PEARL, CORFU, and SMARTeST. One of the tools they developed is the Flood Resilience Portal (access here) to assess household losses due to flooding.

Learn more about TUHH’s Institute of River & Coastal Engineering.

Cooperation with APFM

The areas of cooperation with TUHH are:

  • Flood mapping manual
  • Surface and subsurface hydrology
  • Fluvial hydraulics
  • Integrated flood management
  • Flood risk management
  • Mathematical modeling of hydrological systems and riverine flows

Moreover, TUHH has colaborated with APFM on the design, content management and user interface for the e-learning platform “Integrated Flood Management” (daad.wb.tu-harburg.de)
