IPA FLOODS Workshop in Ankara, Turkey

APFM participated in a three-day workshop held from 8 to 10 November 2016 in Ankara, Turkey under the Programme for Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Floods in the Western Balkans and Turkey (IPA FLOODS). The objectives of the workshop were to support the preparation of River-Basin Management Plans (RBMP) and Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP) in Turkey; to increase the capacity of national experts to combine structural and non-structural measures in flood management,; and to share data related to Flood Risk Management and the EU Floods Directive (EUFD) within the IPA FLOODS Flood Risk Information System. The workshop was organized by the Ministry of Water Resources of the Government of Turkey, together with partners including CIMA Foundation and the Italian Civil Protection. During this workshop, APFM facilitated three sessions on the topics of structural and non-structural measures and their impact when combined, cost/benefit and multi-criteria analyses (theory and application), and the FRMP and RBMP taking the environmental aspects into consideration.