Under the implementation of the Volta Flood and Drought Management (VFDM) project, the project implementation partners (WMO, VBA and GW-WA) with the technical support of CIMA research foundation conducted three-days hybrid training on the MyDewetra VOLTALARM Early Warning System (EWS). On 6,7 and 8th July 2022 at the Hotel Concorde, in Lomé (Togo), the training session were attended by more than 30 staffs of the National and Regional Agencies involved in flood and drought monitoring, forecasting, and warning services.
The hybrid regional training workshop provided necessary theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience to both Hydro-meteorological services providers and users (e.g. civil protection) of the end-to-end chain of the VOLTALARM EWS (under development). Ultimately, the training enabled different types of institutions and actors to collaborate and work together to co-monitor, co-produce hydro-meteorological events and deliver warning services to general citizens.
Expected outputs of the regional training workshop
- Trained participants have increased theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding of various features and functionalities of the VOLATLARM flood and drought forecasting and early warning system,
- Trained participants can apply the gained knowledge and skills in their day-to-day activities related to floods and drought monitoring, forecasting and warning services,