The World Meteorological Organization WMO (specialized agency of the United Nations), VBA (Volta Basin Authority) and GWP (Global Water Partnership) West Africa are implementing the Volta Flood and Drought Management (VFDM) project entitled ‘Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin’ project. Project activities started in June 2019 and will last until mid-2023. This project is funded by the Adaptation Fund. The project foresees to set up a technical advisory committee with experts and representatives of the National agencies and major on going and planned projects in the Volta basin for exchanges and sharing experiences and methodologies and to the fine coordinated activities.Task, responsibilities and duties of the PTAC
The main task of the Project Technical Advisory Committee (PAC) is to provide strategic guidance and support to the project coordinator and project team to ensure that the activities results meet the project’s objectives. The responsibilities and duties of the PAC members shall be the following:- Review the project outcomes and identify the strong/weak points with respect to the objectives of the projects and the applications of the results (open-source, sustainable and tailored products and services with institutional strengthening)
- Comment on the teams’ skills and the relevance of their proposals and actions;
- Link the project stakeholder’s efforts to other initiatives to build synergies, optimize resources and assure coherence;
- Promote the exposure of VFDM Project activities.
Mode of meeting:
- Face-to-Face meeting (once in a year)
- Virtual meeting through Webex (every 6 months)
Expected Output:
- To provide yearly report on the results achieved in the previous year (review annual report), the activity work plans for the next 12-months and other issues were feedback is needed;
- Ad-hoc feedback (individually) when requested by the project coordinator and management team
PAC Members
- Approx 10 -15 Members in total
- Individuals from the National Agencies/Services (NMHSs, Civil protection, Water resources) or can be from the International or regional organization
- Have experience related to the project activities
- Part of or have worked in the Volta Basin region or in the West African Countries
- Be an expert in Disaster Risk Reduction, Floods and Drought Early Warning System, Ecosystem, Agriculture, urban development etc.