Each of the project partners/ executing entities (WMO, VBA, and GWP-WA) will be appointing a focal point to the Project Management Team (PMT), which will oversee the coordination, management, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of programme activities in collaboration with identified agencies/institutions at national level in the six countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, and Togo) of the project.
PMT Composition
The PMT will be comprised of the following focal points:
1. WMO Project Manager – Mr Ramesh Tripathi, rtripathi@wmo.int
2. VBA Project Technical Manager – Mr Niampa Boukary, niampaboukary@yahoo.fr
3. GWP-WA Project Assistant Technical Manager – Mr Maxime Teblekou, maxime.teblekou@gwpao.org
The PMT will be headed by the VFDM Project Executive of the WMO (representative of the Implementing Partner) who will have the overall responsibility of the project and will have regular consultations with the representative of the Executive Partners.
Responsibilities of the Project Management Team
The PMT will be responsible for implementing the project components and activities. The PMT will be responsible for the day-to-day coordination of the project at the regional, national, and local levels and for promoting and facilitating stakeholder engagement including the external implementing entities such as CIMA, Cerfe, IUCN, etc. Specifically, the PT will be responsible for the following:
- Planning and implementing the project activities;
- Develop project work plans and associated budgetary provisions;
- Drafting of regular progress reports;
- Ensuring joint coordination, sharing of work plans, quality assurance of activities and outputs;
- Jointly promote and ensure visibility of the project, through issuance of communication products as may be appropriate;
- To identify and resolve potential situations of conflict or challenges that may negatively impact on the project implementation;
The Project Management Team may meet annually or at any other time when there is a compelling need. The project Implementing Partner (WMO) shall provide secretariat services for the PT by convening and coordinating meetings, providing activities operational guidance and tools, access to the contact lists of representatives from the national and regional level, communication and information management/ dissemination.
Deliverables and Expected Outputs
The deliverables of the PMT will be as follows:
1.3.1 Coordinated project activities within and across the various components;
1.3.2 Annual work plans and budgets is prepared and implemented;
1.3.3 Ensuring project’s consistency with its design or endorsement from the donor.
1.3.4 Reports on risks and emerging issues for the project and propose mitigating
1.3.5 Joint monitoring and evaluation reports of the project’s activities and outputs.