The VFDM project is presently implementing the local community-based flood and drought management (CBFDM) initiatives in six (06) selected pilot communities (one per country) in the Volta Basin, mainly to build their self-help capacity to cope with hydrometeorological events, developing early warning channels and improving end-user response.
CBFDM’s local initiatives follow the community-level vulnerability and capacity mapping studies in the Volta Basin, which aims to identify multidimensional factors (social, economic, ecological, cultural, political and infrastructure determinants) of vulnerability in areas of the Volta Basin that are highly exposed to hydrometeorological risks, such as floods and drought. This mapping was conducted at the scale of 60 communities located in ten (10) pilot areas of the basin. Based on the findings and analysis, the below 6 communities in each Volta basin countries were selected for implementing CBFDM activities with the support of local partners.
Countries | Selected community and location |
Benin | Tabota (Commune de Boukoumbé) |
Burkina Faso | Badara (Province du Houet, Commune de Bama) |
Côte d’Ivoire | Sangabali (Commune de Bondoukou) |
Ghana | Kunkua (Bongo district) |
Mali | Kandé (Commune de Bankass) |
Togo | Daoude (Commune de Assoli) |
Some of the activities which are or will be implemented are as below:
- Knowledge and awareness session on flood and drought management including hazard mapping in the community
- Establishment of the community-based committees on flood and drought management including sub-team on early warning dissemination
- Training on first aid and availability of first-aid kits at each community
- Gender mainstreaming activities in all phases of the flood and drought management
- Development of the community-based flood management plan
One of the other activities of the CBFDM is to install low-cost local hydro-meteorological station at each site to collect meteorological and hydrological observational data which will be visualized under the VOLTALARM ( early warning system developed for the Volta Basin region.
Video published by Earthbeat:
Press releases for the CBFDM activities:
Press releases for the Installation of the Local Hydro-Meteorological station: