Welcome to the WMO Community of Practice for Flood Forecasting and Warning.
This space is dedicated to all topics related to the end-to-end stages involved in the early warning of floods.
This Community of Practice is a friendly space for the sharing of knowledge and experiences. It is a space where best practices, lessons learnt, case studies, stories, tools, working methods, and ways of addressing recurring problems can be shared for the common good.
An implementation strategy for the E2E EWS for flood forecasting using the Community of Practice approach was included in the work plan of the WMO Hydrological Applications, Products and Services.
This Community of Practice (CoP) will support countries, organizations to exchange experiences towards the development and adoption of the best available, sustainable and tailored E2E EWS for FF, in line with the philosophy of IFM and open source technologies.
The knowledge and capacities developed on E2E-EWS-FF by governments, response and recovery organizations, communities and individuals will effectively support in preparedness and response from the impacts of flood events.
The essential components under the complete framework of End-to-End Early Warning Systems for Flood Forecasting
Collection of real-time data for the prediction of flood severity, including time of onset, extent and magnitude of flooding
Preparation of forecast information and warning messages, giving clear statements on what is happening, what may happen and expected impact
Warning Communication and notification of such messages, which can also include actions to be taken
Interpretation of the forecast and flood observations, in order to provide situation updates to determine possible impacts
Response to the warnings by the agencies and communities involved
Review of the warning system and improvements to the system after flood events